Editors Choice


The Moon

 The Moon

  • Distance from Earth : 👉 384,399km = 0.00257AU

  • The mean diameter is :  👉 3,472 km (0.273 times that of Earth)

  • Its surface area : 👉 3,793x109km2 (01074 times that of Earth)

  • Its volume : 👉 2.1958x1010km3 (0.020 times that of Earth)

  • Its mass is : 👉 17.3477×1022kg (0.012 times that of Earth)

  • Its density is : 👉 3.35 g/cm3 (0.012 times that of Earth)

  • Gravity at : 👉 1.622 m/s2 (0.165 times that of Earth)

  • Surface Temperature : 👉 220K (- 53 °C)

  • Orbital period : 👉 27 Earth days 2 hours 43 minutes

  • Axial inclination : 👉 1.58°

  • Rotation period : 👉 29 Earth days 12 hours 44 minutes


      The Moon, Earth's only natural satellite, has been a source of fascination and wonder since time immemorial. It is the fifth largest moon in our solar system, with a diameter of about 3,476 km, and it orbits the Earth at an average distance of 238,855 miles.

     The Moon plays a crucial role in the Earth's ecosystem. It affects tides, seasonal cycles, and even animal behavior. It is also responsible for the phenomenon of lunar eclipses when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon.

     One of the most striking features of the Moon is the craters that have formed on its surface over millions of years. These craters are visible to the naked eye and have been extensively studied by scientists, providing insight into the geological history of the Moon.

     The moon has also captured the imagination of writers, artists and poets throughout history. Its exquisite beauty, mysterious phases and closeness to the earth have inspired countless works of art and literature, from the romance of William Wordsworth to the science fiction of Jules Verne.

     In recent years, the Moon has also become an object of scientific research and exploration. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first man to orbit the Earth. Then in 1969 Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon. Subsequent missions have increased our knowledge of our nearest celestial body by collecting rock samples and conducting experiments.

     The moon continues to inspire wonder and curiosity. While its quiet, silvery glow is a reminder of the vastness and beauty of the universe, some scholars believe that the moon is a place full of mysteries. The moon continues to bestow upon the world new scientific discoveries and creative inspirations.

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